In Tell No Secrets, Marion Young documents her emotional journey through life until 2005. After initial promotion and sales, life happened, and promotion has been on the backburner until now, 2021.

Her autobiography explores many insecurities and dysfunctions that Marion suspects are common amongst abuse sufferers, and she hopes that readers will find hope and encouragement in its pages. Encouragement to keep going during the times when depression seems to have become the ‘norm’ and encouragement to believe that life can be better. At the very least, she hopes that those who have been abused will feel less alone through reading Tell No Secrets.


You have contributed to our understanding of the amazing mechanisms of the psyche and the quest for life and truth in this incredible account of your life.”
Toni Mehigan, Psychologist

“Gripping. You articulated things that I haven’t yet been able to put into words.”
Catherine, Brisbane

“In Tell No Secrets readers will meet a warm, real human being. Marion can laugh at herself, and has been brave enough to tell the unadorned truth – not so much about what happened – but about her own inner journey to adulthood and hope.”
Rev. Mike Smith, Chairman, Anchor Network